Wood Group Pratt & Whitney Industrial Turbine Services L.L.C.

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The newly designed overhaul and repair shop totals approximately 100,000 square feet, located  in Bloomfield, Connecticut (USA).



Wood Group Pratt & Whitney currently operates from facilities totaling over a 150,000 square feet. WGPW has grown in both capability and capacity while establishing a solid reputation as a customer oriented, quality conscious and cost competitive service organization.

Wood Group Pratt & Whitney provides technical strength, resources and a depth of experience to operators of FT4 equipment. WGPW is focused on providing customers with first-class service. This includes reducing turnaround times, lowering repair costs, and developing new products and service programs.

Overhaul Shop | Blue Hills Avenue  Bloomfield, CT


This facility has the resources to disassemble, repair, inspect, balance and reassemble engines, free turbines and associated components. A few of these capabilities include:


· Rotor and/or assembly balance utilizing the latest computerized balance equipment

· Machining capability (up to 52 inch diameter) to aerospace tolerances

· Non-destructive test professionals certified to level II ANT (SNT-TC-1A)

· All welding to MIL-STD-1595A requirements

· Dedicated Quality Assurance Department

Also located at the main facility is the field service group, which includes well-trained electrical and mechanical engineers. The electronics lab repairs and calibrates all types of OEM power generating ancillary equipment from SPC electronic fuel controls to base plate solenoid valves. The service engineers are trained to perform hot section inspections, unit audits, on-site module changes, troubleshooting tasks, vibration analyses, trim balancing, alignment, generator bearing change outs, electrical system audits, card exchange programs and many other services required in the maintenance of the FT4 engines.

Test Cell |   Plattsburg, NY

Wood Group Pratt & Whitney Industrial Turbine Services, LLC
1460 Blue Hills Avenue, Bloomfield, CT 06002
Telephone: (860) 286-4600 Fax: (860) 769-7337